Community Funding

We support a number of community events and initiatives each year via the MainPower Community Fund.

The MainPower Community Fund distributes $40,000 twice a year to support not-for-profit organisations, community groups and schools doing great things in the communities on our network. Find out more about the MainPower Community Fund below.

We’re here to help. Get in touch if you need help. Or, check out our FAQs.

Community fund process

There are two rounds of funding every year. Once a funding round has closed, we aim to advise all applicants of the outcome, and make payments within 8 weeks.

Online Applications

Applicants are encouraged to review the Ts&Cs and make an application online.

Funding round closes

There are two funding rounds every year, closing in September and March.

Check for eligability

We review all applications to ensure they meet our funding criteria.

Committee review

A committee of MainPower staff determine who will receive funding.


We aim to make payments within eight weeks of the fund closing.

Apply for funding

Round one of the Community Fund for 2025 is open for nominations now.

Applications close 31st March 2025.

Once all nominations have been reviewed, they will be submitted to the MainPower Community Fund representatives for review and allocation.

Click here to view the MainPower Community Fund terms and conditions.

MainPower Community Fund Recipients

Read more about previous groups who have received funding from the MainPower Community Fund.

Ashgrove School AED Machine

Ashgrove School in Rangiora was successful in their application to purchase and install a lifesaving defibrillator, to be mounted at the school.

The defibrillator is not only use for the local schools but is also registered to the AED Locator site and app for community use.

MainPower was delighted to be able to support such a worthwhile project and to see it installed and ready for use (although we hope it is not needed on a regular basis!)

The Cust Toy Library

The MainPower Community Fund supported the setup and implementation of a digital toy library database for the Cust Toy Library.

For over 30 years, the toy library kept all of its records on index cards. Thanks to a grant from MainPower, the well-deserving community group modernised its systems to provide a faster, more accessible and more reliable service to the community.

Children, parents and grandparents are benefitting from the new easy to use, online, toy database, allowing members to reserve the toys they want, view their return dates and sign up for volunteer shifts online.

Garden to Table at Tihiraki North Loburn School

Since 2014, Tihiraki North Loburn School’s Garden to Table programme has become an integral part of the school’s curriculum, with year 1-8 students participating in sessions to learn healthy habits and gardening know-how.

Parents, grandparents and community members join the classroom each week to teach students about gardening in the school’s established garden, including a vegetable patch, fruit trees, and herbs. After harvesting, the children head to the school kitchen to learn how to prepare them.


If you don’t find the answers you need please get in touch with our team.

What is the MainPower Community Fund?

MainPower values its relationship with the Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikōura communities and is a major contributor to the region. Through our community fund sponsorship programme, MainPower supports several projects and events each year.  

The MainPower Community Fund is designed to distribute $40,000 twice a year into the local community to support not-for-profit organisations, community groups and schools doing great things in our region.  

How long are applications open?

There are two funding rounds every year, applications are open for approximately 5 month each round.

What sponsorships will not be considered by MainPower?

MainPower is unable to consider sponsorships for the following:

  • Individuals projects because it is not possible to support everyone equitably.
  • Retrospective applications (projects already completed or costs committed before application).
  • Marketing and promotion of messages to either targeted groups or the community as a whole.
  • Projects where the benefit is outside our funding regions, which cover Kaikōura, Hurunui, and Waimakariri.
  • Fund projects that are, or are likely to be highly socially divisive, for example, organisations applying to fund projects which are political or religious in nature.
  • Projects that have no community involvement and support.
  • Funding for land purchase.
  • Debt repayment or refinancing of existing debt.
  • Directly fund scholarships to individuals.
  • Fund travel for groups or individuals.
  • Fundraising costs.
  • Political parties or groups aligned with political parties.
  • Religious Groups/organisations or their events, activities or projects.
  • Local government or central government departments for activities that could primarily be deemed to be their responsibility.
  • After-school programmes.
How will the funds be divided between applicants?

The MainPower Community Fund is designed to distribute $40,000 twice a year into the local community to support not-for-profit organisations, community groups and schools doing great things in our region.  

Payments made through this fund can vary, generally from $50 to $5,000 per organisation.  

The applications will be put toward the committee of MainPower representatives for their recommendations and input. 

Recommendations will then be submitted to the MainPower Executive team for approval.  

My group/school has received funding in the past, can we apply again?

Successful groups are eligible to reapply for the fund once per calendar year.

This enables us to ensure the funds are being evenly distributed around the region and on varying projects.  

For example. If a community group or school applies for March 2024 and is successful, they would not be eligible to apply again until March 2025.  

What sort of projects/activities are eligible?

MainPower supports a range of activities that benefit North Canterbury. We have a particular focus on activities that support our region’s youth, economic development, environmental sustainability and projects related to energy efficiency.

For more information on sponsorships that will not be considered by MainPower, please see our Community Fund Terms and Conditions.

When will the Community Fund recipients be announced?

Once the funding round is closed, we aim to advise all applicants of the outcome and make payments within eight weeks.

Who can make a nomination?

Any resident of North Canterbury (i.e. customers of MainPower) or representatives of the not-for-profit organisation being nominated.

What type of organisations can apply?

We only accept applications from not-for-profit organisations.  

These include:  

  • An incorporated society, association, or organisation, which is not carried on for the purpose of providing profits or gains to any member or shareholder.  
  • An entity registered under the Charities Act 2005. 
  • A not-for-profit educational institution or body. 
  • Funding request to be for causes/events happening within seven months of the fund closing (or six months from the funds being received). 
  • Projects where the benefit is in our funding regions. Our funding regions include:  
    • Waimakariri 
    • Kaikōura 
    • Hurunui 

Related news

Planned power outage in Hanmer Springs.

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

MainPower seeks innovative solutions to meet future energy demands.

We’re here to help

If you need some assistance or advice, please get in touch with our team.

Outage notifications

Planned Power Outage in Hanmer Springs

Dates: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March 2025
Time: 7:00am – 6:00pm

MainPower is conducting scheduled electrical maintenance and upgrades to improve reliability and reduce future outages.

Click here for more information.

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Outage notifications

Planned Power Outage in Hanmer Springs

Dates: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March 2025
Time: 7:00am – 6:00pm

MainPower is conducting scheduled electrical maintenance and upgrades to improve reliability and reduce future outages.

Click here for more information.

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Quick links