MainPower Annual Report and Financial Statement
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Kaiapoi planned work
Kaiapoi residents may notice an increase in planned power outages over the coming months, as MainPower work to upgrade electricity assets in the area. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line – 0800 30 90 80; to report an emergency call 111.
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MainPower continuously monitors the load across the electricity distribution network of North Canterbury. When necessary, adjustments are made to ensure a continuous supply of electricity for the region. Load control helps to keep the cost of distributing electricity as low as possible.
The core business of MainPower New Zealand Ltd is the distribution of electricity to more than 42,000 homes and busiensses in the Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikōura regions.Find our more about MainPower here.
MainPower values its relationship with the Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikōura communities and is a major contributor to the region. Through our community fund sponsorship programme, MainPower supports several projects and events each year. The MainPower Community Fund is designed to distribute...
From 1 April 2024, MainPower’s network charges will be increasing. For the average residential customer, this will result in an increase of around 12% (around $10.67 per month) on the transmission and distribution portion of your power bill.
MainPower NZ Ltd is a consumer-owned company. The MainPower Trust holds the ownership of the company on behalf of the communities of North Canterbury and for qualifying customers.Learn more about the MainPower Trust by visiting their website.
Like roading networks, electricity networks experience peak times when demand is high and capacity is near the limit. On a roading network, this would look like a rush hour traffic jam.Peak times on the MainPower network typically occur on cold winter mornings and evenings (when most customers...