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Showing 5 of 68 results for Careers with MainPower

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What sponsorships will not be considered by MainPower?

MainPower is unable to consider sponsorships for the following:Individuals projects because it is not possible to support everyone equitably. Retrospective applications (projects already completed or costs committed before application).Marketing and promotion of messages to either targeted groups...

Who makes sure that MainPower's pricing is fair?

The Commerce Commission decides how much money we can earn, making sure it covers our network's operating and maintenance costs. MainPower, as a trust owned EDB chooses to follow the Commerce Commission directions.The Electricity Authority manages how this money is shared among customers by...

No power plan

In large-scale events such as an earthquake or windstorm, some customers may be without power for an extended period. Having an up-to-date No Power Plan will mean you are prepared, regardless of the situation.

Troubleshoot your outage

If a fuse is blown, the problem is likely in your home and you may require a call out from an electrician. If a number of houses in your area are without power or hot water, it is likely the outage is linked to a problem on our network. Or see if we have listed an outage for scheduled work or a...

Our team

Our leadership team heads up the nine divisions of MainPower, overseen by Chief Executive Andy Lester.