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Showing 5 of 74 results for Careers with MainPower

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Apply online

We’ve made it easy to connect to our network with our online tool. If you have any problems with your application call us on 03 311 8300.

Community support

MainPower's community sponsorship programmes support dozens of causes each year in Nth Canterbury and Kaikoura.

How is the MainPower Community Fund structured?

There are two funding rounds each year, the first being awarded around May and the second awarded around November of each year.Nominations will be considered twice yearly, finalists applications will then be taken to the internal Community Fund Committee to make funding recommendations and...

Does MainPower charge for callouts?

MainPower provides a 24-hour fault response service. When a customer’s property or actions have caused the fault, the responsible customer will be charged a call out fee.Call outs caused by a MainPower network fault will not incur a fee.MainPower call out feesFault call out during normal working...

Distributed generation

Connecting your power generation to the MainPower network from solar, wind or other generation. Connecting inverters.

Latest news

Catch up with our latest news, community sponsorships and rebate updates.

Apply for funding

Nominate a school or community group for a share of $30,000 distributed by MainPower each year. 2020 applications are open.

Get connected

Connecting to the MainPower network enables you to purchase electricity from retailers in North Canterbury.