Where can I get a temporary power supply from?
Temporary supply connections give builders and other tradespeople access to electricity supply at a worksite where temporary power is required.
Your electrician or an approved provider, such as those listed below, can arrange a temporary builders' supply with MainPower.
SafePower Services
0800 POWER UP (03 343 3814)
Jamie Nutbrown Electrical
0800 563 583
022 069 6107
Bluecurrent (previously Vector Electrical Services )
0800 034 567
Hanmer Alpine Electrical & Air Conditioning
Office: 03 315 7955
After hours: 027 441 3101
Areas serviced: Hanmer, Lyford, Rotherham, Waiau, Culverden, Engineers Camp, Harwarden, Waikari, Cheviot and Maruia township.
Please note, there may be a charge for processing a new connection. All costs for temporary power are the responsibility of the customer.