Regulatory reporting

Regulatory reporting at MainPower

MainPower is required to make several disclosures pursuant to the Electricity Distribution (Information Disclosure) Requirements 2008 and to capture our complaints process.

We’re here to help. Get in touch if you need help. Or, check out our FAQs.

Electricity Authority

The Electricity Authority is an independent Crown entity responsible for the efficient operation of the New Zealand electricity market. The Electricity Authority replaced the Electricity Commission on 1 November 2010, as one of several changes made under the Electricity Industry Act 2010.

The objective of the Authority is to promote competition in, reliable supply by, and the efficient operation of, the electricity industry for the long-term benefit of consumers. Learn more about the role of the Electricity Authority.

Commerce Commission

Part 4A of the Commerce Act 1986 establishes a regulatory regime for large electricity lines businesses. The regime requires lines businesses to disclose certain information concerning the business including financial performance, efficiency performance measures and reliability performance measures.

Electricity and Gas Complaints

MainPower’s key focus is to provide a safe and reliable system of electricity distribution to customers in the North Canterbury region. Customer feedback is important to us to ensure we meet our customer’s needs and provide an efficient and effective service.

Please contact MainPower if you have an electricity network related problem or are concerned about our company’s service or have issues relating to our access to the MainPower network equipment on your land. If your complaint is about a power account, please contact your electricity retailer.

MainPower has developed a process by which to deal with your issue in a timely and efficient manner. We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receiving it and will appoint a staff member to investigate and resolve your issue. We will provide you an update on our investigations into your complaint within seven working days of receiving it, and if it is not resolved in that period, we will explain why and seek to resolve it within 20 working days. This process is free to customers of MainPower.

To make a complaint

You can submit customer feedback via our get in touch page. Alternatively, please call 0800 30 90 80, email us at or call in and see us between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.

If we are unable to resolve your concern to your satisfaction, you can make a complaint under the Energy Complaints Scheme.

The Energy Complaints Scheme is managed by Utilities Disputes Ltd and the contact details are PO Box 5875 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145 or phone 0800 22 33 40 or email To learn more visit

We’re here to help

If you need some assistance or advice, please get in touch with our team.

Outage notifications

Planned Power Outage in Hanmer Springs

Dates: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March 2025
Time: 7:00am – 6:00pm

MainPower is conducting scheduled electrical maintenance and upgrades to improve reliability and reduce future outages.

Click here for more information.

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

Outage notifications

Planned Power Outage in Hanmer Springs

Dates: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th March 2025
Time: 7:00am – 6:00pm

MainPower is conducting scheduled electrical maintenance and upgrades to improve reliability and reduce future outages.

Click here for more information.

Power restoration during high fire risk season.

As the region’s fire risk increases, MainPower is implementing extra safety measures to protect our communities.

This means that restoring power after an outage may take longer than usual.

Click here to find out more.

Thank you for your patience as we work to restore power quickly and safely.

Is your outage not listed?

Troubleshoot your outage
Treat all lines as live during the outage period; power may be restored at any time. If you require further information, please call MainPower’s 24-hour fault line to report an emergency call 111.

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